Music for Theater & Dance

During the months of being unable to play music in public, I had the opportunity to dig into my archives and revive some beloved, older works of mine. The result of this is a new collection of eight instrumental works! So, allow me to introduce my newest CD…

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A Christmas Song

It was eight years ago now that my dear friend Shannon brought me this Christmas song, which she had started, and asked if we could finish it up together before the holidays. We both were looking for something that celebrated the meaningful aspects of the holiday, and so we set to work.

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Greg DinunziComment
The Blackbird Newsletter (Fall 2020)

It's obviously a complicated time now and we are all working to find our way in the changed world we are facing. I have been spending the past months working through many of my older projects which had been left in various states of disrepair, and giving them the attention they deserve. Lemonade, from lemons, as the saying goes.

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Greg DinunziComment
The Moon Series

I experience The Blackbird as a co-creative process and I always have, even before I had the language to describe it. The experience of “writing” The Moon Behind A Cloud was very much like working in a wakeful dream. I enter a creative and imaginative space and see what is there waiting. This song is the rare example of allowing the song to find me and being able to return with it in pristine condition…

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Greg Dinunzi Comments
A Celtic Ghost Story

The text of this song was written by the mind of Fiona MacLeod who has, herself, one of the most fascinating stories I have ever heard. But for me, her writing came first, and her writing captivates me like few writers ever have. The music is mine.

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Greg DinunziComment
Eve: Song as Living Word

One of the reasons I became actively interested in mysticism and mystic poetry was that for much of my life I have had random experiences which simply did not comply with the world view I was raised up in. I have had many gentle visitations from other places, which I was cultured to designate as daydreams or fancies of imagination. I was quite comfortable with that designation for a long time, but as the experiences continued over the years I began to be able to distinguish some experiences from other daydreams, and some of these experiences carried a different weight, a different feel from the others.

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On my experiences with the Lorian Association

Lorian is an emergent association which nurtures and offers practices on how to come into relationship with our own sacred individuality within the context of a living and sentient universe. And further, this sentient universe has great interest in having a deeper, more loving relationship with us in return. At least, that's what it says.

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Greg DinunziComment
A Song from the Gernsback Continuum

In this story the main character begins to have access to visions of futures which never happened. Specifically retro-futures, a vision of the 1980's as seen from the 1930's. We're talking Air-wings, flying cars, sleek chrome cities, with fluid towers and geodesic domes. Vintage retro fun!

So my assignment was to write a song which we might find playing on the car radio in such a retro-future and as soon as I had this image in my head, it was clear to me that it should also be an homage to Chuck Berry, for no one represents huge American Cars with huge America car radios then he…

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Greg Dinunzi Comments
All I Want For Christmas

…We were tired of the commerciality of Christmas and wanted to write something which brought forth the spirit of the holiday without the hustle and bustle and buying pressure, something that celebrated the important parts of the holiday and not the superficial parts…

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The Persephone Quartets

A discussion about the Persephone Quartets, new classical works for Three Strings and Guitar based on the sacred myth and presence of Persephone.

Persephone is many things to many people and different cultures. It is my hope with these works to light a more unified presence of her in our imaginations.

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A discussion of "The Joker"

As I look at the modern world, it becomes clearer and clearer that there is a deception going on, but how do we identify the root of this grand deception? Alan Moore, the mad Scottish genius of graphic novel fame, has in more than one place suggested that the best analogy for western civilization may actually be a “Joke”, and that we are living inside a joke which we cannot see because it is so massive, so large…

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Greg DinunziComment
A Sidhe Experience

So how do I begin a discussion about the Sidhe (pronounced “Shee”)? I guess I must admit to you firstly that I have Irish blood in me veins. For those who “know”, no further explanation is probably necessary. But for the unfortunate non-Irish majority, I realize I must try to catch you up on a few things. They are not new things, they are old things, but they are also living things, and living things evolve and develop over time. Our fantasy that our world is the only world which evolves must be left behind. It is simply wrong.

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PoetryGreg DinunziComment