New Release! What Does She See?


My new release has arrived! “What Does She See?” is a quiet, introspective song, with guitar and voice. It opens up this months New Blackbird Playlist, which gives you an hour of my music to enjoy on Spotify. The list gives a little love to some of my other songs too, so I hope you enjoy, and feel free to share!


The Blackbird Radio


Also find the song on these platforms:


wdss front.png

Thanks go to Paula Carleton Evans for her beautiful artwork. Paula is an American artist I met here in Berlin, before she settled in Brooklyn, NY. I’m happy to have some Brooklyn connected to my Berlin music. A touch of the homeland! The cities could easily be sister cities, both just comfortably being what they are, in their own way.

Art by Paula Carleton Evans @Paulacarlstonart

Art by Paula Carleton Evans @Paulacarlstonart

I had looked a long time for artwork for this song, and I knew her picture was the one the moment I saw it.

Please do check out Paula’s other work on Instagram HERE. Art by Paula Carleton Evans @Paulacarlstonart

Other News

Now that the pandemic has given us a break, my calendar filled up so quickly that I missed the release date of my own single! Right now, I’m knee deep in a modern classical opera which calls for wild and weird bluegrass banjo playing. It’s a huge musical challenge for me, and a great reminder that “knowing how” to do something, and actually “doing it” are two very different things.

The piece is based the Mark Childress novel “Georgia Bottoms”, composed by the Hungarian composer/conductor Gregory Vajda. I was invited to play by the United Ensemble Berlin, a great ensemble founded by musicians from the three opera houses here in Berlin (Yes, three!). We’ll livestream it on July 1 & 2. Here’s the German INFO on that project. Livestream info is HERE.

Next to this, I’m still working on my own big composition project “The Immortal Hour”. This is a Chamber Music Opera for small ensemble based on the play by Fiona Macleod. I’m delighted to be working with many special guests from around the world on this project. You can find the book published by RJ Stewart Books. RJ, a musician himself, is also involved in the project, but I don’t want to give away too many secrets this early. You will be hearing much more about this project as things develop, I promise!

So, enjoy the playlist and the new song! I include the lyrics below. And be in touch with your thoughts! I look forward to hearing from you.

What Does She See?

How can I capture in words, these things that I see

and share them with you with all their grace and dignity

butterflies and lace, or snow dusting the lands

or the pure spring greens, and the old man's hands

and should I close my eyes, such wonders there to see

and should you sing your song, such joy erupts in me

should we sit in silence, in each other's peace and love

listen to the meanings in the wordlessness,

above the birds may sing, songs we'll never learn

and the stars caress the earth gently as she turns

and she turns to me and what does she see?

I'm proud to be her son

How can I capture in song, the things that I feel

wrap them in a tender leaf, to bless and to heal

all the hopes denied, all the loves gone wrong

all the people lost, in the dullest, cruelest songs

how open up, my heart, to all this pain in the world

can I be somehow a voice for the voiceless, hunted girl

with dark and empty eyes, and broken, trampled hearts

and no one left to hold her, not a piece of land to start it all again

I take my pen…

and I feel ridiculous

and should we sit in silence and reach out through time and space

try occupy the human soul with dignity and grace

the willows they will weep and the doves they do mourn

and the stars caress the earth gently as she's torn

and she turns to me and what does she see?

What Does She See?
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What Does She See?

(2021) Mp3 Download


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